About Our Health Centre

Our Health Centre (OHC) opened in late 2016 after an incredible community effort to raise funds to create a space where health services and wellness education could be offered to the communities we serve. Services and programs at OHC were determined through extensive consultation in community forums, seniors’ residences, schools, and a range of other local organizations.  Programming and services have grown in number and impact thanks in large measure to the dedication of many volunteers, program leaders, and health practitioners. Financial support for OHC comes from many sources, not the least of which is Our Health Centre Foundation

OHC provides comprehensive health and wellness programs and services to the Municipality of Chester, the Hubbards area, and the Tancook Islands.

Community Health Centres

Our Health Centre is a member of both the Nova Scotia Association of Community Health Centres and the Canadian Association of Community Health Centres

Community Health Centres are a cost-effective approach to integrated health and social services. It is an approach that has been proven to improve people’s health and build strong communities. Community Health Centres put people and community first by:

  • Responding to local needs

  • Preventing future illness

  • Breaking down health barriers

  • Providing customized care

  • Championing health for all

Our Vision

An innovative leader in providing health services and wellness education to the communities we serve.

Our Mission

To improve the health and well-being of every person in the communities we serve. 

Guiding Principles

We openly and actively engage in a transparent manner with patients, clients, groups, health partners and individuals in the communities we serve in order to create programs and services that meet the health needs of all.


Everyone gets to play a part.  All groups and individuals at Our Health Centre consult and cooperate with each other to provide the best health and wellness care and improve the lives of our patients and clients.


We honor the intrinsic dignity, autonomy, and worth of each person connected with Our Health Centre.  We treat others the way we would want to be treated.  We are considerate of each other’s feelings, values, and points of view.


We strive for excellence in every aspect of Our Health Centre. We will provide exceptional service while being knowledgeable, trusted, and innovative leaders who are unwavering in their commitment to advancing solutions for rural health care.


We will consistently provide fair and equal access to health services and programs based on the unique needs of individuals. We are committed to identifying and eliminating any barriers.
